6035 Ft. Caroline Rd., Suite 22
Jacksonville, Florida 32277
Ph. (904) 745-6019 / 655-4287
Hanshi Kwan waves to sell out crowd assembled at Canada’s MARTIAL ARTS EXPO 2000! – In the background are Canadian dignitaries and guest speakers filmed live by Shaw TV April 1st - Barrie, Ontario, Canada – In a tightly knit display of martial art talent, some of the world’s top martial artists took to the stage in Barrie to perform a 3 hour benefit show for HANSHI GLENN KWAN, a member of our Council who was financially devasted by an auto accident several years back. The event dubbed MARTIAL ARTS EXPO 2000 was the brain child of Kwan’s student, Master Thomas Puddicombe to raise funds for the health stricken Kwan and his family……Performing on stage before a packed auditorium and Shaw TV which filmed the event were GRANDMASTERS PAN QUING FU (Star of such films as the "Shaolin Temple" and "Iron and Silk"), YOURS TRULY who did an impromptu demo with volunteer Uke, Steve Griggs of "Defense Arts School of Self-Defense" and Canadian GRANDMASTERS DANIEL VERKERKE, DOUG DEVLIN and YOGI SEGARRA……Also, lending their support to the affair were GRANDMASTERS RON BALAS of Ohio and BRUCE JUCHNIK of California who came to wish Kwan well. KUDOS to our Webmaster, SOKE DANIEL VERKERKE of Canada for the SPECTACULAR CHANGES he has made to our official website! If you haven’t looked lately, I would invite you to pull it up at http://www.bushido.org/whfsc/ and take a peek…..If you haven’t connected up your link to the website roster yet or submitted your bio and picture for the biography page, now is the time to do it by e-mailing him at whfsc@bushido.org Also, DON’T FORGET that we are asking you to supply a RETURN LINK to our Council website as well…Show your pride in belonging to the world’s largest and most elite grandmasters council in existence today by also referencing the link on YOUR website! Received a nice call from MICHAEL JAMES, the Publisher of BLACK BELT Magazine, the nation’s oldest martial arts publication. The purpose of the call was just to "chat" and "touch base" on what I thought might be the problems associated with the martial arts industry today. ..No major problems were solved of course by the discussion that day, although we did agree that the current martial arts aerobics trend might "backfire" and cause some problems for martial arts schools in the future….Also, I was surprised to learn that Michael was actually a rock musician at one time who came to California to break into the industry and ended up as the Publisher of BLACK BELT!…. His parents, by the way, also live right here in Jacksonville!…..SMALL WORLD isn’t it!!? While we’re on the subject of it being a "small world"…..I was very pleased to have join us, SENSEI RUSS COELHO of California who will represent the art of DANZAN RYU JU-JITSU on our Council…..Sensei Coelho was a Senior Instructor of the late PROFESSOR SIG KUFFERATH, the elected Heir to the worldwide DANZAN RYU (Hawaiian) JU-JITSU Empire, who was also a former teacher of mine (Sig Kufferath, that is). Russ taught at Professor Kufferath’s NIKKO JU-JITSU School in Mt. View, California….Both of us could remember each other from those days!…..It was like talking to a long lost relative on the phone…..As many of you know, PROFESSOR KUFFERATH also honored me by joining this Council before his untimely death. By wish of the Kufferath family there will be NO INHERITORS of the DANZAN RYU System, but Russ is Leslee Kufferath’s (Sig’s daughter) personal choice to carry on the tradition of Sig’s teachings…..As a firm believer of "family", this choice will be honored by this Council….Again, there are no Inhertors to the DANZAN RYU System and the system is now fragmented and taught by many varied and talented instructors, including some outstanding Professors of the art, but Russ will represent DANZAN RYU on this Council per the wishes of Sig’s daughter and family, as well as by my choice as well….He is an excellent gentleman and practitioner fitting the "mold" of most of those taught by the late, great PROFESSOR SIGFRIED KUFFERATH….WELCOME TO OUR WHFSC FAMILY, SENSEI COELHO! From Florida…..GRANDMASTER CARL STONE who recently won first places in Kata and Weapons competition after coming out of retirement, reports that his dojo with the help of wrestling star, Randy "Macho Man" Savage helped raise $5.000.00 for "PROJECT ACTION", a program set-up to help disadvantaged youth)…..Carl is also the instructor of wrestling superstar, Terry Balboa, better known as "HULK HOGAN", who has a Black Belt in Ju-jitsu under Stone….. Stone’s demo team, that also performed at last years WHFSC International Hall of Fame/ Seminar Symposium "WOWED" them recently at BUSH GARDENS in Tampa……NICE GOING, CARL! For those of you who attended last year’s WHFSC International Hall of Fame in Orlando, you may have remembered a professional photographer taking pictures of the grandmasters present and wondered what the photos were going to be used for…..I know I did , as a student and I posed for some fighting shots for her and she "vanished" right afterwards……Well, it turns out that her name is Beth Gwinn, a professional photo journalist who has authored several photo books in the past. Master Joe Lansdale who is working in conjuction with her will be taking interview questions this time around at our upcoming 6th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MARTIAL ARTS HALL OF FAME Gathering on September 1st – 2nd, 2000,. The purpose of the photos and interviews is for a new photo book on martial arts masters that Beth is working on…..All the more reason to attend our upcoming event! Member, GRANDMASTER JURG ZIEGLER of Switzerland, who is the Inheritor of the late GRANDMASTER B.C. KANG’S ( a posthumous member of this Council from Singapore) SOUTHERN SHAOLIN LOHAN System reports that he and his students were busy choreographing and playing Ninjas for a new 8 part Comedy Show on Swiss TV featuring Swiss comedy stars, Beat Schlatter and Lea Hadorn…..He was also recently honored by the Mayor of Wil/SG, Switzerland for his activities in the martial arts….Jurg will be at our International Martial Arts Hall of Fame on September 1st-2nd to do a seminar and talk at our Annual Meeting which takes place just before our Hall of Fame Banquet. The topic will be discounted Asia tours for members through his company, "Asia Ala Carte". Also, in relation to our International Hall of Fame/ seminar symposium taking place the weekend of September 1st-2nd, GRANDMASTERS, GENERAL ALEXANDER RETUINSKIH from Russia and HANNS VON ROLBECK from Germany will be conducting special seminar clinics of their own aside from our usual seminar spectacular involving some of the greatest names in the business….Expect to see martial artists from Japan, Germany, France, Russia, Belgium, the Philippines, etc. attending this event (I know that other organizations like to say "International" when describing their functions and when you get there everyone is from the U.S.A. At our particular event, when we say "International", we mean "international"!). "JUDO GENE LeBELL", legendary grappler will be conducting a 2 day seminar in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida hosted by member, MASTER BART VALE. The 2 day event which takes place May 6th-7th will be at the Sheraton Suites Cypress Creek Hotel. For more information you can access "JUDO GENE’S" personal website at www.GeneLeBell.com or call toll free in the U.S.: (877) 636-4363, outside the U.S. by calling (310) 451-5350 or e-mail: Noelle@GeneLeBell.com Members, GRANDMASTER JIM ARVANITIS, the "FATHER OF MODERN PANKRATION" and KRATIOS MASTER VASILIOS KATSAITIS, Founder of PYX LAX and Publisher of the KARATE VOICE are joining forces to create a new PANKRATION Federation…..Word is from Greece that once the Pankration movement is reorganized there, they will be linking up with the new Federation created by Jim and Vasilios….. ANOTHER FIRST FOR OUR COUNCIL……CONGRATULATIONS to GRANDMASTER JOHN PELLEGRINI of COMBAT HAPKIDO for having his system officially recognized by the Korean Government!……WITH ALL YOUR HARD WORK, IT IS WELL DESERVED, JOHN! GENERAL ALEXANDER RETUINSKIH , Founder of Russia’s patented "ROSS" System has been given a life appointment as our OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE for the WORLD HEAD OF FAMILY SOKESHIP COUNCIL in Russia…..CONGRATULATIONS GENERAL! HANSHI SAM PEARSON of North Carolina would like our membership to know that he is available for seminars in CLASSICAL Shorin Ryu, Watai Ryu and weapons to include the Bo, Sai, Kama and Tonfa….At the present time, this Pioneer of the arts conducts yearly seminars in Florida, Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Texas and Kentucky. For more information you can contact Hanshi Pearson directly at: Ph. (252) 637-3291/ P.O. Box 1655, New Bern, NC. 28563 or e-mail: spearson@cconnect.net From California, HANSHI DAN TOSH was appointed Vice President of the WORLD OKINAWAN SHORIN-RYU KARATE-DO & KOBUDO ASSOCIATION by KYOSHI SID CAMPBELL (both members of this Council). Dan’s position will be to assist KYOSHI CAMPBELL in future endeavors to expand the membership base of WOSKKA throughout the world….CONGRATULATIONS DAN ON THE APPOINTMENT! Also from California…..Hollywood, California that is!……MASTER JEFF SPEAKMAN , an honorary member of our council will join forces with basketball great, Denniss Rodman and former WWF Wrestling star, "Sable" in a new television series titled THE CONSULTANTS. The series is scheduled to debut during the Fall 2000 TV season. Lastly in the International scene……..Member, SHIHAN SILVIO MORELLI of Australia is extending an open invitation to all our members to participate in his WORLD ALL STYLES ORGANIZATION CHAMPIONSHIPS…Over 25 countries have already committed to attend with an excess of 1,200 competitors…..For more information you can pull up Silvio’s official event website at www.worldallstyles.com.au AND NOW TO OUR LATEST MEMBERS……From PENNSYLVANIA, we have 9th dan GRANDMASTER WILLIAM H. DUESSEL of SHIMABUKU ISSHINRYU (direct line lineage – Tatsuo/ Kichiro Shimabuku); from CALIFORNIA, PROFESSOR GEORGE A. KIRBY, Founder of BUDOSHIN JU-JITSU (featured in "Panther Videos" with numerous articles to his credit); From CANADA, popular GRANDMASTER ISRAEL "YOGI" SEGARRA of Goju Ryu; From TENNESSEE, HANSHI MIKE SADLER, Inheritor of SHINGO RYU BUJUTSU (system recognized by the Dai Nippon Seibukan Kai of Kyoto, Japan); From MARYLAND, GRANDMASTER WILLIAM A. RANKIN Founder of UCHUNO SHORIN RYU (created with the blessing of Supreme Master Yuichi Kuda of the Shorin Ryu Kobukan Karate System – Rankin’s system being one of the 5 major Shorin Ryu "families"); from NEW MEXICO, we have GRANDMASTER EDWARD DeLUCA, Founder of JING SAI DO (first non-Thai Grandmaster in Thamvongsa Muay Thai as awarded by Chatha Thamvongsa himself and grandmaster member of "Black Belts of the Faith International"); From MASSACHUSETTS, we have SHIHAN TONY ANNESI, Founder of TAKESHIN SOGO BUDO (former Soke Dai of Soke Albert Church – featured in videos with major articles to his credit); From Califonia, SENSEI RUSS COELHO – Representative (non-inheritor) for DANZAN RYU JU-JITSU (one of the largest systems of ju-jitsu practiced in the world) as endorsed by the surviving family of the late PROFESSOR SIGFRIED KUFFERATH who was the elected Head for DANZAN RYU…..NEW HONORARY MEMBERS include MASTER MIKE STONE, legendary KENPO fighter from Hawaii now residing in the Philippines; DR. U. MAUNG GYI, the "Father of BANDO in America" from Ohio; MASTER AMBER DeLUCA of JING SAI DO, martial arts media personality and fighter from New Mexico (wife of GRANDMASTER EDWARD DeLUCA); From New Jersey, MASTER MARTY MANUEL AKA "THE COACH", highly respected Goju Instructor under MAESTRO PETER URBAN’S "USA GOJU" System; and lastly, we have from Hawaii, SHIHAN DAI PUANANI S. BADIANG of SEITO-DO KARATE, the daughter of our Chief International Screener, SOKE EDWARD BADIANG …. WELCOME LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO OUR ELITE FAMILY OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST MARTIAL ARTS GRANDMASTERS AND MASTERS! MEMBERS FEATURED IN THE MEDIA THIS MONTH……The KARATE VOICE features deceased member, GRANDMASTER JOHNNY PACHIIVAS on the cover and mentions of honorary members, MASTER JACKIE CHAN and MASTER JEFF SPEAKMAN, as well as GRANDMASTER MEMBERS, JIM ARVANITIS, BILL WALLACE, GENERAL ALEXANDER RETUINSKIH, NEAL HUMMERSTONE and YOURS TRULY, as well as an Editorial by KRATIOS MASTER VASILIOS KATSAITIS and monthly column by the "MAESTRO", PETER URBAN……Featured in TAEKWON DO TIMES are GRANDMASTERS JIM ARVANITIS, PROFESSOR JOHN CHAMBERS, OLOHE SOLOMON KAIHEWALU, JOHN PELLEGRINI and YOURS TRULY…..The May issue of MARTIAL ARTS & COMBAT SPORTS features GRANDMASTER ERNESTO PRESAS on the cover inset, with a feature article on Ernesto and mentions of GRANDMASTERS BILL WALLACE and JIM ARVANITIS…..The May issue of INSIDE KUNG-FU features an article on GRANDMASTER RORION GRACIE and the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, California……The June issue of INSIDE KUNG-FU mentions MASTER JACKIE CHAN…… The May issue of BLACK BELT features mentions of MASTER JACKIE CHAN, PROFESSOR WALLY JAY, MASTER DON "THE DRAGON" WILSON, the late PROFESSOR SIGFRIED KUFFERATH, Master Scott Sonnon, member of GENERAL ALEXANDER RETUINSKIH’S A.A.R.F.R.M.A. Organization and GRANDMASTER BILL WALLACE’S monthly martial arts column……The June issue of BLACK BELT features mentions of MASTER DON "THE DRAGON" WILSON, MASTER JEFF SPEAKMAN and the monthly column of GRANDMASTER BILL WALLACE…..and MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING features mentions of MASTER JEFF SPEAKMAN, PROFESSOR WALLY JAY, GRANDMASTER BILL WALLACE and GRANDMASTER RICHARD VAN DONK. SEMINAR LISTINGS – Sorry folks, but we are discontinuing this particular feature….The listings are getting just TOO LONG. It would take a small book to list all the seminars put on by our membership so we will mention only those events which you give an "open invitation" for our membership to join. PLEASE REMEMBER our 6th International Martial Arts Hall of Fame" coming up on September 1st-2nd….You should be receiving your invitation soon, if you don’t within the next few weeks, let us know so that we can get another one out to you…..Come dressed in your uniform as we will also be taking our official Millennium portrait at the Annual Meeting which proceeds our banquet!….. In the meantime, until our next issue of this newsletter , please stay AGGRESSIVE and FAIR in all that you do!
Sincerely yours in martial arts brotherhood, Professor Frank E. Sanchez 10th dan judan Founder/ Executive Director International
NOTE: The WHFSC has been in existence since May of 1993 and is a private enterprise of Soke Frank E. Sanchez in service to its grandmaster membership. Any requested changes, additions or deletions to its membership roster must be in writing. All 2 year membership certificates are not automatically renewed and MUST be renewed by written request to our Headquarters. |