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We are the foremost collective group of Accredited Internationally Recognized Masters and Grandmasters in the World.
Our Council Serves the Martial Art Community by providing in-depth investigations into the validity, knowledge and skill of our membership.
Our Application process and examination board is very stringent to insure only the best of the best makes it to our membership roster.
Our site provides one of the greatest online resources to biographies and information reviewing the most authentic, traditional and eclectic martial arts styles and personalities.
Generally we serve as a governing board which maintains the highest integrity for Martial Arts and Artists.
There are no other Organizations or Councils that come close to our history and past accomplishments. Please feel free to review coverage of the Newsletter and Awards Ceremony as well as our Media Gallery.
Unlike many martial arts organizations which give or charge for gradings in styles which they have no recognized authority to do so, the World Head of Family/ Sokeship Council DOES NOT MAKE OR GRANT GRANDMASTER STATUS. NOR DO WE AWARD RANK OR CHARGE FOR SAME. The individuals themselves and their systems are responsible for their own ranking. The WHF/SC only accepts those who are RECOGNIZED grandmasters within the world martial arts community or those who are sponsored by at least two of our members and have passed our stringent background, lineage check and IN PERSON oral and physical testing for membership. There is NEVER ANY CHARGE FOR MEMBERSHIP NOR DOES IT CHARGE FOR TESTING WHEN IT IS DONE PER SPONSORSHIP.
The use of the word “SOKE” is open for use by the member at his or her discretion. We use it in the generic Japanese sense meaning the “founder” or “head” of something. Most nationalistic Arts of another origin may choose to use their own ethnic equivalent as a “title” and “yes” we do have Japanese sensei who definitely qualify for this title as well. Hence the name: World Head of Family/ Sokeship Council. You are either the “Head of your family (style/ organization, etc)” or the Soke of your particular style/ organization.
We acknowledge that the title of "professor" is a term used in academia to describe those who have earned degrees through accredited Colleges & Universities. Our use of the term, however, is based on the HISTORICAL USE of the word WORLDWIDE to describe high-ranking martial artists who have earned that title through their respective martial art systems. Though some of our members actually have an academic degree, the title listed for the most part is in reference to the historical use of the term in martial arts.